The naturopathic perspective of the importance of digestion and overall health

Written by Dr. Al Vieira | 28th, August, 2024

The digestive system is usually underestimated, a lot of people believe that its only function  is to process the foods we eat; it’s also very important for nutrient absorption, immunity and  mental health. As a naturopathic doctor I’ve seen how crucial the digestive system is to our  overall health and well-being, and if it is not functioning properly the e?ects it has in the  prognosis of a lot of diseases. Today, I will the reasons why the digestive health should be a  priority and share some strategies to support its optimization.

Understanding digestion as a foundation of wellness

The digestion foods start in your mouth. The carbohydrates are broken down by the saliva, and it travels down the esophagus into the stomach, where it is broken down even more by the stomach acids. After leaving the stomach these broken-down foods will activate digestive enzymes in the pancreas and bile by the gallbladder. The digestion process continues in the small intestine, where the nutrients are absorbed. The large intestine is where the water gets absorbed and where the elimination of waste will happen.

I know the above explanation about digestion was very simplified, the digestive system is a much more complex process, and when this process is disrupted, it could cause a variety of health concerns. The most common digestive concerns are gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and heartburn. These are usually symptoms of a deeper body imbalance.

The Gut-Brain connection

The gut-brain axis is a bidirectional communication system between the gut and the brain. One of the most fascinating aspects of digestion is its ability to a?ect the mental health and vice-versa. That means that your digestion could directly impact your mood, stress levels, and overall well-being.

For instance, a simple gut dysbiosis, known as gut bacteria imbalance, could contribute to anxiety and depression. In the other hand, exposure to stress could negatively disrupt your digestion, leading to problems like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Naturopathic approaches to support digestion

  1. Diet and nutrition: what you eat is the foundation of good digestion. A balanced whole-foods meal, rich in nutrients like lean proteins, healthy fats and fiber will support the digestive process. While reducing refined sugars, processed foods, and artificial additives can decrease the incidence of digestive issues.
  2. Hydration: adequate hydration is very important for digestion, not just helping to move foods through the intestines and preventing constipation, but also in a way that your body will shut down digestion if you are not drinking enough water and are dehydrated, why to digest anything if you are not even having the basic water needs
  3. for body functioning. Try to drink plenty of water throughout the day, also consider herbal teas to support digestion, such as peppermint, ginger and chamomile.Co?ee, pops and sodas would not count as water intake.
  4. Probiotics and prebiotics: As I mentioned above, a healthy gut microbiome is crucial for digestion and overall wellness. The probiotics found in kombucha, yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi will populate your gut with beneficial bacteria. Prebiotics foods like garlic, onions, and bananas will feed the beneficial bacteria, helping them to grow.
  5. Mindful eating: as important as what you eat is how you eat. Eating slowly, chewing the food properly, and being mindful during the meals can significantly improve digestion. The mindful eating will also help to regulate your body’s hunger and satiety signals, reducing the probability of overeating.
  6. Stress management: managing stress is crucial for the gut-brain connection. activities like meditation, yoga, praying, deep breathing, sleeping well, and spending time in nature will help to manage stress and improve digestion.
  7. Herbal support: the right herbs on the right dosages can help digestion and soothe the digestive tract. For example, for gas and bloating peppermint could be used, for nausea ginger, to increase acid and enzyme production chamomile, to reduce gut inflammation turmeric. Most of these herbs can have interactions with medications and unwanted side-e?ects, that why is important to consult a medical practitioner first.
  8. Digestive enzymes: if you have a compromised digestion, the digestive enzymes could be very helpful. The enzyme will help to breakdown specific foods, reducing symptoms of indigestion and supporting absorption. A simple salad at the end of the meal would provide you with an enzyme called cellulase, this could aid digestion.
  9. Regular physical activity: activities like walking, swimming, and playing sports would help to promote regular bowel movements and to relieve constipation. As our body moves our intestines will tend move as well.

When to seek help

These are simple strategies that can help with the simpler digestive concerns, but persistent or severe issues should not be ignored. Conditions like GERD, IBS, IBD, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, may require a more in-depth evaluation and a personalized treatment plan.

As a naturopathic doctor and believing in treating the root cause rather than just the symptoms, I would encourage you to book an appointment to find out how naturopathic medicine can support you with your digestive concerns.


Digestive health is foundational to overall wellness and could a?ect everything from your energy levels to your mental health. By adopting a holistic approach that is focused on diet, hydration, botanicals, stress management, and mindful eating, you can support your digestive system and your entire body. Remember that a healthy gut is key to a healthy life.


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